Jump Scares in Penny Dreadful (Season 1)

Penny Dreadful (Season 1) screenshot
Penny Dreadful (Season 1) screenshot
Penny Dreadful (Season 1) screenshot
Penny Dreadful (Season 1) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 13 jump scares in Penny Dreadful, which has a jump scare rating of 2.0.

Jump Scare Rating: Season 1 of Penny Dreadful has a few jump scares, mainly in the early episodes. The most significant occurs at the beginning of the first episode.

Synopsis: Well known literary characters such as Victor Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and Abraham Van Helsing unite in 19th century London to fight evil.

Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 13 (1 major, 12 minor)

Episodes: 8

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: TVMA

Netflix (US): Yes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

—Episode 1—

00:01:51 – A window breaks and a woman is pulled outside by an unseen assailant.

00:16:57 – A head suddenly looks up and snarls from inside the pile of corpses.

00:42:35 – The camera pans to the window which blows open in the wind, when the camera pans back to Malcolm, Mina is standing right in front of him with red eyes.


—Episode 2—

00:31:28 – Madame Kali shrieks and bangs on the table during the seance.

00:34:21 – An invisible force radiates from Vanessa, extinguishing the candles on the table.

00:36:46 – Vanessa places her hands on the table, which causes it to crack in several places.

00:53:53 – A hand bursts out of Proteus’s chest.


—Episode 3—

00:38:50 – Fenton lunges at Malcolm.


—Episode 4—

00:21:06 – A sudden cut from Ethan talking to Fenton struggling against his chains may startle some viewers.

00:39:18 – The Master Vampire appears in front of Victor and Malcolm.


—Episode 6—

00:39:44 – Caliban grabs Van Helsing.


—Episode 7—

00:52:19 – Vanessa sits up and grabs the priest.


—Episode 8—

00:41:08 – The vampire opens its eyes and Ethan falls through a trap door.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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