Jump Scares in American Horror Story: Cult

American Horror Story: Cult screenshot
American Horror Story: Cult screenshot
American Horror Story: Cult screenshot
American Horror Story: Cult screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 23 jump scares in American Horror Story: Cult, which has a jump scare rating of 2.5.

Jump Scare Rating: Most of the significant jump scares are found in the early episodes.

Synopsis: Follows several individuals in the aftermath of the shock 2016 U.S presidential election.

Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 23 (4 major, 19 minor)

Episodes: 11

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: TVMA

Netflix (US): No

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

—Episode 1—

00:06:12 – Kai puts his hand on Winter’s shoulder.

00:22:00 – Ally looks in a mirror at the supermarket and sees 2 costumed individuals.

00:47:33 – Ally wakes up and sees a clown lying next to her in the bed.


—Episode 2—

00:00:21 – The episode opens with a repeat of the final jump scare from the previous episode.

00:34:56 – Winter puts her hand on Ally’s back which startles her.

00:38:28 – A loud alarm might startle some viewers.

00:43:35 – Ally closes the switch box and there is a clown standing right beside her.


—Episode 3—

00:03:17 – Rosie is grabed by a costumed woman.

00:06:42 – The power suddenly turns back on.

00:09:11 – Kai is suddenly next to Ally outside the car.

00:30:51 – Mr. Guinea explodes in the microwave.


—Episode 5—

00:26:17 – Meadow bangs on Ally’s window.

00:36:24 – We hear a shot from upstairs (followed by a second later on).


—Episode 6—

00:02:46 – We get a replay of the jump scare from episode 5 where Meadow bangs on Ally’s window.

00:29:52 – A clown breaks through the door behind Sally and grabs her.


—Episode 7—

00:20:45 – A loud gunshot startles a couple in a car.


—Episode 9—

00:16:19 – There are several loud bangs on the door.

00:20:46 – One of the cult members is suddenly shot.


—Episode 10—

00:20:45 – Susan grabs Sharon from behind.

00:32:34 – Vincent is suddenly impaled by a spike.

00:37:00 – Bebe is suddenly shot.


—Episode 11—

00:34:02 – Kai repeatedly stabs Trevor with a knife.

00:39:33 – Kai is suddenly shot from behind.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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