Jump Scares in Another (Season 1)

Another (Season 1) screenshot
Another (Season 1) screenshot
Another (Season 1) screenshot
Another (Season 1) screenshot
Another (Season 1) screenshot
Another (Season 1) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 10 jump scares in Another, which has a jump scare rating of 1.5.

Jump Scare Rating: Anime horror with very few jump scares, though quite a bit of bloodshed. It’s also worth noting that the series has an OVA (extra episode released after it was aired) that contains no jump scares for anyone who wanted that clarified.

Synopsis: Upon moving back to his childhood town, Kouichi Sakakibara transfers to Class 3 of Yomiyama North Middle School, where he becomes involved in a strange phenomenon causing everyone with ties to their class dying strangely, and a mysterious classmate no one else other than Kouchi seems to be able to see.

Contributor: Frogge contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 10 (1 major, 9 minor)

Episodes: 12

Reviews: IMDb

Rating: TV14

Netflix (US): No

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times


—Episode 4—

00:16:12 – Reiko unexpectedly slams her hands on the table during a quiet scene.


—Episode 6—

00:10:42 – Similar to the jump scare in episode 4, Koichi unexpectedly slams his hands on the table, making a very loud noise.

00:21:15 – Kouchi’s pet bird suddenly screeches during a conversation.


—Episode 7—

00:12:10 – Kouchi wakes up from a nightmare, and a couple seconds later he is startled by a phone suddenly ringing.


—Episode 9—

00:22:39 – While Ayano and her family are driving across a mountain road, a rock suddenly flies out of nowhere and hits the windshield.


—Episode 10—

00:22:24 – After Kouchi asks a question, there is a cut to lightning striking outside.

00:22:46 – Just as Misaki is about to say something, there is a sudden very loud bang on the door.


—Episode 11—

00:04:02 – The second jump scare from the previous episode is played again.

00:07:57 – While walking towards an ajar door, Kouchi is grabbed by the leg by a bloody hand.

00:19:16 – Mochizuki opens a door, and just as he is about to say “We’re safe,” there is a cut to the bloody face of the killer on the other side.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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