There are 0 jump scares in Cannibal Holocaust, which has a jump scare rating of 0.0. See below for more details.
Jump Scare Rating: An infamously controversial film that some consider to be among the most disturbing of all time. There are a plethora of graphic scenes, including real animals killed on screen, however, other than that, it is not particularly scary nor does it contain any jump scares.
Synopsis: A university professor sets out on an expedition into the amazon jungle in search of a documentary film crew who went missing while filming the local cannibal tribes, and soon finds the lost footage they left behind.
Contributor: Frogge contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)
Director: Ruggero Deodato
Runtime: 95 minutes
Netflix (US): No
Tags: Cannibalism, Forest / Woods Setting, Gory, Low Jump Scare
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