Jump Scares in Channel Zero: No-End House (Season 2)

Channel Zero: No-End House (Season 2) screenshot
Channel Zero: No-End House (Season 2) screenshot
Channel Zero: No-End House (Season 2) screenshot
Channel Zero: No-End House (Season 2) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 9 jump scares in Channel Zero: No-End House, which has a jump scare rating of 1.0.

Jump Scare Rating: The jump scares are a little more noteworthy than the first season, but still pretty tame, with the exception of one jump scare in the final episode that is worth watching out for.

Synopsis: Follows several people as they enter a strange house of horrors that specifically caters itself to their traumas and fears. Upon leaving, they discover that they are in fact still inside the house in a dangerous alternate reality contained within, and must search for the real way out. Based loosely on the No-End House creepypasta.

Contributor: Frogge contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 9 (1 major, 8 minor)

Episodes: 6

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: TV14

Netflix (US): No

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

—Episode 1—

00:17:05 – There is a sudden distortion noise.

00:35:55 – The TV in the background suddenly turns on.

00:37:31 – As Margot reaches for the remote, the mannequin on the couch grabs her arm.


—Episode 3—

00:40:06 – As Jules puts her hand on the orb, a hand suddenly slams against it from inside.


—Episode 5—

00:04:35 – A sound cue plays and something startles Jules, after which the camera quickly pans to show it was JD.

00:12:40 – Seth suddenly grabs Jules from behind.

00:33:14 – As the Margot’s mom leans in towards the father lying down on the ground, he suddenly springs back up.

00:35:37 – The father suddenly grabs Margot as she is trying to sneak out the door.


—Episode 6—

00:17:45 – Jules turns back towards the orb and suddenly there is a cut to a face jumping out from inside at the camera.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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