Jump Scares in Ghost Lab (2021)

Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot
Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot
Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot
Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot
Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot
Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot
Ghost Lab (2021) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 24 jump scares in Ghost Lab, which has a jump scare rating of 2.5.

Jump Scare Rating: The first part of the movie is packed with (mostly) minor jump scares, only to take a break and then come back again towards the ending. Most of the jump scares in this movie are loud sounds, but some of them are effective when they appear in intense and quiet scenes.

Synopsis: Wee and Gla are two coworkers at a hospital. After having a shared encounter with a real ghost one night, they decided to do some research. But how far are they willing to go for scientific proof that ghosts exist?

Contributor: Finn Hermansson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 24 (3 major, 21 minor)

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: Unrated

Director: Paween Purijitpanya

Runtime: 117 minutes

Netflix (US): Yes

Tags: Comedy, Foreign

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

00:02:12 – Wee wakes up to a bunch of medical dolls standing in the room.

00:03:06 – The nurses tell the story of a man who died in the ER, with third degree burns. While they talk, pictures and short unsettling clips show up accompanied by loud noises.

00:07:42 – A security guard trips and falls over a metal tray cart during a tense and quiet scene.

00:11:21 – The dead man turns toward the camera and growls as Wee snaps a picture with his phone.

00:15:21 – When young Gla closes the fridge door there’s a doll sitting behind it, with sudden eerie music.

00:15:54 – Young Gla’s father suddenly appears close to the camera with a loud sound.

00:24:52 – A loud thud when Wee accidentally walks into some boxes.

00:25:56 – The wheelchair is right in front of them when they turn their camera.

00:26:18 – An echoing thud as the third wheelchair crashes into the first two.

00:26:33 – Things start falling down from the shelves and furniture moves by itself, accompanied with eerie music.

00:52:36 – A quick flashback of the first ghost encounter is shown in a way less intense moment.

01:23:13 – The laptop opens up by itself.

01:24:53 – While Wee is screaming at the ghost of Gla, the elevator shakes and the light turns off, with a loud bang.

01:25:47 – The elevator makes a loud sudden noise.

01:30:47 – The lights break as Wee removes Mai’s shirt.

01:31:23 – Wee is thrown away from Mai’s body.

01:31:48 – There’s a loud clatter as the whiteboard starts to move on its own.

01:32:30 – During a silent moment there’s a fast camera movement to suddenly show an angry Gla appearing in front of Wee, followed by a loud bang.

01:32:51 – The paper cutter is thrown against Wee.

01:33:02 – A medical doll appears behind Wee accompanied by a loud noise as its head falls off.

01:33:16 – During this scene, Wee is thrown against the wall 2 times, as well as thrown up into the air while the room spins around.

01:34:33 – Gla appears and pushes Wee.

01:37:10 – The body in the body bag next to Wee suddenly rises up.

01:38:41 – When Wee turns around to film the body of Gla, his face has turned demonic.

(Major jump scares in bold)

Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in Ghost Lab. [More info]

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