Jump Scares in Marianne (Season 1)

Marianne (Season 1) screenshot
Marianne (Season 1) screenshot
Marianne (Season 1) screenshot
Marianne (Season 1) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 34 jump scares in Marianne, which has a jump scare rating of 4.0.

Jump Scare Rating: With the exception of the 3rd episode, there are consistent jump scares throughout, both telegraphed and random.

Synopsis: Emma, a successful horror writer, is made to return to her hometown after the witch who haunted her dreams fifteen years ago begins to re-appear.

Contributor: Dillon Robinson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 34 (23 major, 11 minor)

Episodes: 8

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: TVMA

Netflix (US): Yes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

—Episode 1—

00:09:43 – Marianne appears above the daughter in bed.

00:47:46 – Emma’s father appears out of nowhere.

00:50:34 – Emma’s father appears out of nowhere.


—Episode 2—

00:15:16 – Friend bangs on glass suddenly.

00:16:23 – Bang on door [mild].

00:27:36 – Runs into her father.


—Episode 3—

00:47:44 – While performing CPR, Camile sees Mrs. Daugeron’s face swapped, causing her to jump backwards and fall down the stairs.


—Episode 4—

00:25:50 – A hand comes out of the birthing canal.

00:26:32 – Quick shots of demon squealing?

00:37:05 – Emma’s name is heard being yelled by Marianne.

00:38:04 – Marianne in human form appears in front of Emma.

00:39:31 – [Homage to Exorcist II nurse scene] Marianne walks at Tonio suddenly from behind before a cut to black.

00:41:28 – A hand appears on the back of Aurore’s head while she’s looking under the bed.


—Episode 5—

00:14:17 – Marianne is seen behind Aurore before Emma is possessed.

00:20:50 – Aurore’s sister shines her light and Marianne is seen.

00:24:09 – Aurore’s sister suddenly yells at Emma from behind.


—Episode 6—

00:06:06 – While dreaming, Samuel begins to lunge at Emma, who then imagines a chicken pecking at her face.

00:29:42 – Aurore appears at the window after finding the dog missing.

00:32:50 – Marianne doesn’t appear in the mirror as expected. When Samuel turns around, she is standing behind him, but there’s no jump scare.


—Episode 7—

00:01:49 – Marianne’s covered body moves its head.

00:01:54 – The priest looks down and sees a googly-eyed Marianne smiling at him.

00:04:53 – Dog/Marianne on windshield.

00:08:59 – Aurore is touched.

00:09:11 – Aurore’s sister appears behind the curtain.

00:10:53 – Aurore’s sister appears again behind them.

00:16:56 – Marianne appears and lunges.

00:17:24 – Aurore is thrown into the wall.

00:25:59 – Arnaud is sucked into the sky by Marianne.

00:26:43 – Marianne appears.

00:27:29 – Musical sting, Arnaud’s brother turns into Marianne.

00:34:32 – Musical sting, Marianne’s voice.


—Episode 8—

00:08:25 – Smash cut as Emma wakes up.

00:31:19 – A hand comes up from the hole.

00:31:53 – More hands.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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