Jump Scares in Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020)

Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 9 jump scares in Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight, which has a jump scare rating of 3.0.

Jump Scare Rating: The movie is quite heavy on jump-scares. (Un)fortunately, most of them are predictable and not very effective.

Synopsis: A group of technology-addicted teenagers goes to “off-line camp.” At the same time something horrifying escapes from the basement of nearby house.

Contributor: Czejah Oues contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 9 (1 major, 8 minor)

Reviews: IMDb

Rating: R

Director: Bartosz M. Kowalski

Runtime: 102 minutes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

The jump scare timings listed below are based on a theatrical viewing and are approximate only.

00:03:20 – A postman gets grabbed by his feet and pulled inside a hole.

00:26:50 – A fox runs across the screen (accompanied by a loud sound).

00:35:15 – Sudden cut to a monster standing above a character (accompanied by a loud sound).

00:46:07 – Sudden cut to a rotten body (accompanied by a loud sound).

00:48:24 – A severed head gets thrown out of the hole.

00:51:43 – A boy looks at his friend and sees her gruesomely killed.

00:59:21 – A priest turns around and sees a monster standing right next to him.

01:08:27 – Little boys turn their heads and look at their mom (accompanied by a loud sound).

01:32:10 – A girl suddenly runs into a window of a police car.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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