Jump Scares in Paranormal Activity (2007)

Paranormal Activity (2007) screenshot
Paranormal Activity (2007) screenshot
Paranormal Activity (2007) screenshot
Paranormal Activity (2007) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 10 jump scares in Paranormal Activity, which has a jump scare rating of 3.5.

Jump Scare Rating: Quite light on jumps until the final night where there are a couple of major scares.

Synopsis: A young couple, Katie and Micah, move into a new home in suburban San Diego where Katie becomes increasingly disturbed by the presence of an evil force.

Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 10 (2 major, 8 minor)

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: R

Director: Oren Peli

Runtime: 86 minutes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

00:26:56 – (Night #5) Katie suddenly wakes up out of bed gasping for air.

00:27:29 – (Night #5) The noise of something banging comes from another room.

00:31:47 – (Night #13) The couple wake up in their bed and a loud noise sounds from another room, followed by a bang.

00:40:48 – (Night #15) Micah enters the house again where he hears a bang.

01:02:18 – (Night #18) The bedroom door slams shut.

01:03:31 – (Night #18) The door slams shut again.

01:06:21 – Something bangs upstairs.

01:23:00 – (Night #21) Katie begins to scream loudly.

01:24:00 – (Night #21) Micah’s body is hurled at the screen from the doorway. (theatrical version) [Video].

01:24:33 – (Night #21) Katie crawls up to the screen and lunges at it as her face begins to turn demonic. (theatrical version) [Video].

(Major jump scares in bold)

Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in Paranormal Activity. [More info]

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