Jump Scares in Room 213 (2017)

Room 213 (2017) screenshot
Room 213 (2017) screenshot
Room 213 (2017) screenshot
Room 213 (2017) screenshot
Room 213 (2017) screenshot
Room 213 (2017) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 11 jump scares in Room 213, which has a jump scare rating of 3.0.

Jump Scare Rating: There are mostly minor jump scares in this horror movie targeted to tweens.

Synopsis: The summer before sixth grade, 12 year old Elvira goes to a summer camp and quickly becomes friends with Bea and Meja. But when the room they are supposed to sleep in has water damage, the girls have to stay in the supposedly haunted; Room 213. The girls tell themselves that ghosts don’t exist, but when their belongings start to go missing and strange things begin to happen, they’re not so sure what to believe anymore.

Contributor: Finn Hermansson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 11 (1 major, 10 minor)

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: TVPG

Director: Emelie Lindblom

Runtime: 80 minutes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

00:02:41 – Elvira’s mom run over something with her car.

00:14:44 – When Meja leaves the room, Kevin dumps a bucket of water over her head (as a joke).

00:17:01 – Meja screams when Kevin scares her from behind (as a joke).

00:26:06 – Elvira and Meja looks around the dark room with a flashlight and sees Henny sitting alone in a corner.

00:30:30 – A girl with a white dress walks into the room, scaring Bea.

00:31:13 – A door opens and a girl looks up, accompanied by eerie music.

00:40:41 – During a tense scene, the girls open the shower curtain and gets scared by Kevin and Melker.

00:41:58 – There’s a loud sound when the camera cuts to Meja acting strange.

00:43:10 – A door slams shut.

01:07:21 – Someone takes a flash photography of Elvira.

01:08:30 – A door suddenly open behind Elvira.

(Major jump scares in bold)

Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in Room 213. [More info]

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