Jump Scares in The Crucifixion (2017)

The Crucifixion (2017) screenshot
The Crucifixion (2017) screenshot
The Crucifixion (2017) screenshot
The Crucifixion (2017) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 19 jump scares in The Crucifixion, which has a jump scare rating of 4.5.

Jump Scare Rating: After a slowish start, The Crucifixion throws a ridiculous number of jump scares at the audience including many false scares and fake-outs. Rarely are these moments genuinely scary by themselves however the sound effects that accompany them are extremely loud compared to the previously quiet scenes and this will no doubt be off-putting for many viewers.

Synopsis: A young reporter experiences strange events when she investigates the death of a nun following an apparent exorcism.

Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 19 (4 major, 15 minor)

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: R

Director: Xavier Gens

Runtime: 90 minutes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

00:11:45 – A honking car horn startles Nicole.

00:17:47 – A man suddenly appears in the doorway as Nicole takes photos.

00:29:30 – Accompanied by a very loud sound effect, a boy appears behind a window.

00:34:49 – A demonic face briefly flashes up on Nicole’s laptop screen along with a loud sound effect.

00:38:15 – Adelina turns around quickly to reveal she is possessed.

00:52:09 – Nicole slowly approaches the door which is opening and closing by itself, suddenly she sees a screaming woman by the door trying to get in.

00:52:29 – Nicole backs away from the door and turns around to see another screaming woman standing behind her.

00:54:36 – A dog jumps up and barks at the door while Nicole is in the car.

00:54:43 – The dog jumps up at the car once more.

00:59:02 – Stefan shines the torch around the sleep-out and Adelina suddenly appears and screeches at him.

01:01:09 – While Nicole is in the bathtub, there is a loud sound effect and the lights turn off.

01:02:37 – The window slams shut.

01:02:43 – There is a knock on the door and the lights turn back on.

01:04:13 – In a dream where Nicole is having sex with Father Anton, a woman’s screaming face suddenly appears on screen and Nicole wakes up.

01:09:23 – Nicole briefly sees someone in the rear view mirror.

01:09:35 – Hands wrap around Nicole’s feet.

01:10:29 – While running through the fields, Nicole stops and turns around to see the figure from the car standing there.

01:19:01 – A low pitched demonic voice interupts Nicole’s conversation with Anton.

01:22:39 – Possessed Nicole opens her eyes as a sound effect plays.

(Major jump scares in bold)

Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in The Crucifixion. [More info]

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