Jump Scares in The Exorcist – TV Series (Season 1)

The Exorcist – TV Series (Season 1) screenshot
The Exorcist – TV Series (Season 1) screenshot
The Exorcist – TV Series (Season 1) screenshot
The Exorcist – TV Series (Season 1) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 27 jump scares in The Exorcist – TV Series, which has a jump scare rating of 3.0.

Jump Scare Rating: The first two episodes of The Exorcist are quite heavy on jump scares however they are much less prominent in subsequent episodes.

Synopsis: Angela Rance seeks help from a priest after she begins to suspect one of her daughters may be demonically possessed.

Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 27 (1 major, 26 minor)

Episodes: 10

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: TV14

Netflix (US): No

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

—Episode 1—

00:12:48 – A possessed boy lunges at a priest as Tomas wakes from a dream.

00:17:15 – The circuit board sparks as Tomas touches it.

00:17:35 – Tomas turns to see Angela standing behind him.

00:20:37 – A raven crashes into the window beside Angela.

00:29:37 – The possessed boy suddenly rises up from the bed and attacks Marcus.

00:41:31 – A ladder drops down from the attic.

00:42:14 – Tomas trips over something in the attic.

00:42:44 – A rat crawls out from underneath a box.

00:42:56 – A hand reaches out and grabs the rat.


—Episode 2—

00:03:19 – A chained man lunges at a boy.

00:05:37 – A voice says “wake up” and Casey suddenly jolts forward and puts her hands on the table.

00:11:06 – A door slams as Angela reaches out to pick up a cell phone.

00:11:31 – A centipede crawls out from underneath the cellphone, a few seconds later Kat lifts up a pillow to reveal a nest of centipedes.

00:20:38 – The Jenga tower suddenly falls down.

00:25:18 – There is a short flashback to the chained man from the beginning of the episode.

00:28:49 – A woman’s head appears by the tent opening.


—Episode 3—

00:19:37 – A picture frame falls from the wall.


—Episode 4—

00:36:51 – The demon grabs the nurse’s crucifix necklace and chokes her with it.


—Episode 5—

00:05:01 – Casey chokes Henry with her chains.

00:22:38 – Jessica suddenly transforms back into Casey.


—Episode 6—

00:20:44 – Accompanied by a jump scare sound effect, Angela has a vision of Casey with a maggot infested face standing behind her.


—Episode 7—

00:28:35 – A metallic noise causes Father Bennett to look around. A few seconds later the lights flicker and a man can be seen watching Father Bennett.


—Episode 8—

00:11:01 – Chairs fall from the ceiling.

00:22:13 – Captain Howdy suddenly appears right in front of Angela.

00:28:42 – A SWAT team breaks open a door.


—Episode 9—

00:03:22 – Angela finds herself holding Captain Howdy’s head rather than Casey’s.


—Episode 10—

00:14:06 – An old woman looks at Tomas and reveals her face has been eaten by maggots.

(Major jump scares in bold)

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