See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 10 jump scares in The Howling, which has a jump scare rating of 2.5.
Jump Scare Rating: There is a steady stream of jump scares from the 35 minute mark to the end however they are fairly tame by modern standards.
Synopsis: After suffering a nervous breakdown live on television, presenter Karen White is sent to a remote mountain resort to recuperate however the locals are not all they seem.
Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)
Director: Joe Dante
Runtime: 91 minutes
Netflix (US): No
Tags: Werewolf
Jump Scare Times
00:15:45 – A dog jumps up at a window that Terry is looking out of.
00:37:20 – There is a gunshot and some glass breaks (during a flashback).
00:37:34 – An abrupt scene change accompanied by a loud gunshot may startle some viewers.
00:42:25 – A werewolf jumps out from behind Bill.
00:55:09 – Accompanied by a loud sound effect, Terry walks into a bone hanging from the roof.
00:58:22 – A werewolf hand breaks through some wood paneling to grab Terry.
01:03:45 – A werewolf hand reaches out to grab the files from Terry.
01:07:02 – As Karen backs away from the door, a man suddenly jumps out behind her from under a sheet.
01:11:25 – There is a loud bang on Karen’s car as she gets into it.
01:16:23 – The window that Chris is standing in front of suddenly breaks.
Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in The Howling. [More info]
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