Jump Scares in The Open House (2018)

The Open House (2018) screenshot
The Open House (2018) screenshot
The Open House (2018) screenshot
The Open House (2018) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 14 jump scares in The Open House, which has a jump scare rating of 3.0.

Jump Scare Rating: Most of the jump scares in The Open House involve characters unexpectedly bumping into other characters or loud bangs and thumps occurring in quiet scenes.

Synopsis: After recently moving into an isolated country house, a mother and son begin to sense they might not be alone.

Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 14 (1 major, 13 minor)

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: Unrated

Director: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote

Runtime: 94 minutes

Netflix (US): Yes

Tags: Home Invasion

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

00:08:00 – Accompanied by a sound effect, a man appears on the road.

00:17:04 – Logan’s foot breaks through one of the wooden steps as he climbs some stairs.

00:19:31 – A car horn blares.

00:20:32 – Logan turns around and bumps into Martha.

00:22:10 – Logan wakes to see a hand hovering over his face.

00:29:06 – As Logan walks towards an open door, the real estate agent surprises him from the other side.

00:34:57 – We hear a loud thud during a tense scene where Logan lowers his ear to the carpet.

00:36:53 – The door to the basement slams shut.

00:48:17 – Logan lights a match to reveal a man standing behind him.

00:49:54 – Accompanied by a sound effect we see a man walking past the bedroom door.

00:54:15 – The plumber puts his hand on Naomi’s shoulder as she looks at a photo.

01:12:12 – The killer slams Logan onto the car.

01:20:15 – The stereo turns on.

01:24:12 – Naomi yells “Logan” and runs at him.

(Major jump scares in bold)

Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in The Open House. [More info]

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