Jump Scares in The Watcher in the Woods (1980)

The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot
The Watcher in the Woods (1980) screenshot

See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 12 jump scares in The Watcher in the Woods, which has a jump scare rating of 1.5.

Jump Scare Rating: Only minor jump scares in this kid-friendly horror movie, but they did a good job by keeping a creepy vibe throughout.

Synopsis: When an American family moves into an old house near the woods, the daughters begin to notice strange things happening. The girls learn that a teenager disappeared in those woods 30 years ago. But when the oldest daughter begins to have visions, she wants to find out the truth.

Contributor: Finn Hermansson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)

Jump Scares: 12 (12 minor)

Reviews: IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes

Rating: PG

Director: John Hough

Runtime: 83 minutes

WARNING: The jump scare descriptions listed below may contain minor spoilers

Jump Scare Times

00:06:50 – The sudden loud music might startle some viewers.

00:06:53 – The window cracks in front of Jan.

00:11:26 – As Jan is looking in the mirror, it breaks and she sees a blindfolded girl.

00:12:48 – Ellie scares Jan with a green mask while she’s reading in bed.

00:18:17 – A dramatic zoom in on the writing on the window, with sudden loud music.

00:23:29 – A strange blue light strikes next to Jan.

00:23:54 – The lightning strikes again, this time making Jan fall into the water.

00:27:57 – There is lightning, screaming and intense music during a flashback scene.

00:39:40 – Jan has a vision of the blindfolded girl.

00:39:50 – A bird screeches and flies into Jan’s face.

00:43:58 – A spooky figure suddenly shows up on the screen.

00:51:31 – A cat jumps at Jan as it screams.

Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in The Watcher in the Woods. [More info]

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