See below for the exact times and descriptions of the 11 jump scares in Us, which has a jump scare rating of 2.5.
Jump Scare Rating: There are jump scares in Us although they are minor and far less intrusive than one might expect from a modern home invasion horror movie. Most of the jump scares occur in the middle of the movie between the 40 and 90 minute mark.
Synopsis: An American family find themselves under attack by their doppelgangers while on vacation.
Contributor: Anthony Wilson contributed all the information on this page (Sign up now to become a contributor too! Learn more)
Director: Jordan Peele
Runtime: 116 minutes
Netflix (US): No
Tags: Home Invasion, Mystery
Jump Scare Times
00:06:47 – After a girl enters the Vision Quest building, a mechanical owl jumps out at her.
00:18:15 – Jason, wearing a mask, jumps out at Zora in the bathroom.
00:27:38 – A Frisbee whizzes past Adelaide and Kitty as they talk on the beach.
00:40:12 – There are several loud bangs on the door.
00:40:47 – A masked person pops up outside the window beside Zora.
00:43:51 – There is a loud crash as a boy crawls out from behind Zora, Jason, and Adelaide.
01:02:36 – After Jason runs to Adelaide, his doppelganger suddenly appears in the hallway behind him.
01:20:50 – Adelaide grabs a saucepan and swings around to attack one of the doppelganger twins who jumps on her.
01:23:05 – The Zora doppelganger breaks through the sun roof.
01:24:25 – The doppelganger girl reaches out towards Adelaide as she searches for her in the bushes.
01:31:11 – The mechanical owl jumps out at Adelaide as she enters the house of mirrors.
Watch with subtitles that warn you about jump scares! Download the .srt file of the jump scares in Us. [More info]
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